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Superman - Joe Brooks
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 @ 5:47 PM

Heard it on the radio today. (:

Beautiful song.


Streetlight people, living just to find emotion
Sunday, July 18, 2010 @ 3:32 PM

"Procrastination is an excuse", a text from the school said.

Really? Then the sender has been making excuses too. Why won't people here just accept that procrastination is human nature? That it's inevitable? That it isn't all bad? That working wholly for results, without a speck of any form of distraction is neither possible, nor perfect?

Results, results, results. That's all the adults care about and preach about now. Because they know and have accepted that this world is nothing more than superficial. Saying that people look at your character, morals, whatever is just the most ironic thing they do in schools. Cos all they care about at the end of the day is just your results, that it makes the school look better--academically.
Of course, I stand to be corrected. I'm not the one running the school after all.

I read this article about Serendipity, and it isn't exactly procrastination, but it tends to be what people lump together with the latter. So if I read on the history of slavery (not coming out in any part of A's as of now), but in the process putting my SEA history essay aside, is it all bad? I still gain in knowledge don't I? Isn't that the purpose of education? So why so particular with that one-track mind that I should only let my life revolve around the subjects I'd be tested for?

Really, this society is driving me nuts. Maybe when I grow up I'd look back at this and laugh. Maybe. But for now, I'd stick close to this. Heck results, seriously. And teachers who preach that procrastination is an excuse. It hardly fits, even in terms of use of english.

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Today, everything is a la carte
Tuesday, July 13, 2010 @ 11:51 AM

Des, Bij and I saw a couple (middle-aged one somemore) PDA-ing on the bus home yesterday. First instinct was obviously being grossed out, and des asked me why they must be so mushy, haha.

But then again, what's so bad about love? Better to have love in this world than hate huh. And I mean love, not lust, so most PDA stuff caught on STOMP, I guess they don't qualify. BTW, I hate STOMP; cheapest type of 'news' ever.


Sunday, July 11, 2010 @ 10:33 PM

This is kinda belated, but I still want you to share my pain:
my dear mac's airport died. Again.

So now I'm back to using the chachat acer laptop.